2 thoughts on “Developing and deploying an application on Google App Engine

  1. Mr Jadia,Thanks for providing information.
    I think this video did what it was supposed to do: introduce the developer to the Google App Engine and how it can be used. Then the developer can read through the documentation and explore a bit more.

    A similar app in PHP would take just about the same amount of code. Consider you have to connect to the database, test to make sure the query went through, and then display the shouts.

    I think this was a fantastic video, and I’ll definitely be checking out Google App Engine soon.
    I’d like to share some more information related to this topic.
    I heard about ZOHO Creator,that enables you to develop data backed business applications, and once you have developed your app in Creator, simply download the Python code and upload it to Google App Engine.
    Other tool is App Engine Site Creator

    this is a lightweight content management system with a full GUI for content creation and administration.

    i shall be waiting for your new post.Great Work Mr. Jadia..

    Deepak Agarwal

  2. ;;` I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information .~”

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