MySQL Create Function Example

First of all we have to crate our example table called “Customer”.

We have to insert one record into Customer table. Let’s add Steve Jobs! 🙂

Here is syntax to create our function which will bring Concat First and Last Name and return single string.

How to call getCustomerFullName() function.

This is how our output will look.


How to enable Root User on Mac OS X

Here are easiest steps to enable Root User on Mac OS X Snow Leopard and later version of OS X like Lion.

Step 1: Go to System Preferences

Step 2: Select Users & Groups under System Tab


Users & Groups under System Tab

Step 3: Select Login Options

Step 4: Click Join next to Network Account Server. It will open Directory Utility dialog box



Step 5: Click Edit Menu from the Menu Bar and click Enable Root User. System will ask you to enter password and it will enable Root User.